Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Started why?

The following organizations that assist people all over the world have one thing in common. They provide humanitarian aid and/or help without respect of anything other than need, but that is the result not the motivation for their ministry of help.
Red Cross, Prison Fellowship(Angel Tree), World Help, World Vision, Child Fund Int, Samaritan's Purse, Rotary Int, YMCA, YWCA, Habitat for Humanity, The Salvation Army, Gideons Int, Missionaries of Charity, Hopegivers Int, Aglow Int, Living Dreams Physical Therapy, Compassion Int, Mercy Ships, Children's Hunger Fund, Covenant House, Medical Teams Int, Missionaries of the Poor, etc. (I could go on but you get the idea.) They were all started by Christians who believed that as followers of Jesus Christ they should show the Love of God to all people. Since their hearts had been changed they wanted to be the answer to a need that God had revealed to them. Not for money, fame or prestige just simply to honor God by loving people without regard for themselves. Think about what the world would be like if there had been no Christ to change the hearts of people to care about something other than themselves.
A depressing thought, a world without real love.


  1. What a fab post! really like/admire your take/belifes system on things.i hav a neck and back therapist, he works for the sally army, and he charges just enough to live on and no more because of his morals/belifes ect plus hes retired from being a journalist and recived a fair pension. When i pracitced reiki i did not charge ,i worked on a donation basis. I done this ohhh for about 5years, untill i became ill myself. So...my belife is you gotta have some reguard for ya self, ya wellbeing ect and finances, In an ideal world we wouldnt have to think of money but unfortunatly we dont and you do you do have to think about yourself to a degree,cant help others if your not of good wellbeing yourself. Theres a lot of folk out there driven by selfishness and there alot out there that would help with anything and give you there last penny in there purse! Real Love does exist :) ya post made me smile! blessings

  2. Adverse, your point is on target that we must think of ourselves to a point, if we do not then we will not consider what path we are on. God tells us there are but 2 paths with one being broad and the other narrow. Some on the broad path believe they are okay and it is the one that leads where they want to go since they are decent person who tries to treat others right. Problem is God has a standard that has been set before He created us, and it is our accepting His way that puts us on the required narrow path that He warns us that few are willing to take. We must humble ourselves before God and allow Him to change us from the inside out. May more be willing to walk the narrow path is my prayer. May your day be filled with that which is best for you!
