On 2-18-10 my post on blog hopping I noted that I had "been blog hopping over the past few weeks and reading blogs from around the world or at least the ones in English. I have been surprised to see how many people share their thoughts and family photos. But I have also noticed how many people are lonely, hurting, or starved for attention. For some I stop to leave comments so they will know they are important to God and let them know He loves them and His son Jesus died for our sins. I also try to encourage them to read the Bible starting with book of John.
Now you wonder why I mention this, right. Well I want to encourage those who know Jesus as Lord to set a goal of at least leaving one comment on someones blog each day you get on internet and encourage that person to seek God's plan for their life and to read the Bible. Pray for that person and allow God to do the rest. Just think because of the internet you can touch the lives of people all around the world if you are willing to take the time to care. May God bless you and your efforts to shine light in a dark world."
Now you may wonder why I just quoted my own post, well the reason is it was the major reason for my last post titled "Honor Free Will Choice". I recently was made aware of several issue points that I should have included in that post for anyone who was going to take up the challenge that I had made back on 2-18-10. Because if you do not leave comments for the right reason then it would be a waste of time and you would be better off doing something else with your time. It is not about us but about caring for others and pleasing God who gave up His son to suffer and die for us while we were still sinners. It is that kind of love that we need to have for others. My time has been really tight this week so this was only post for the week. May God give you light for your journey.
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