Sunday, February 27, 2011


Health care with its skyrocketing cost and an irresponsible society is bankrupting our nation. Consider some the problems. Forget the need for tort reform or insurance and pharmaceutical company issues. Instead start with one of the most obese societies in the world and the foundation for high medical care cost is solid. With a high percentage of smokers, consumers of alcohol and other drugs, legal or otherwise. Mental health care has become a staple in most insurance plans. Sexually transmitted diseases of all types. How about the most expensive cost over the last 30 years in HIV/AIDS, brought to us primarily through the "gay" lifestyle. By the way remember that little lie that "what adults do in the privacy of their own home does not affect anyone else" so no harm no foul. Close to a trillion dollars later the public still believes that media supported lie.(Now the most devastating life style in history is being promoted as a normal healthy way to live.)
We live in a society that wants to pop a pill for every health issue they encounter. Some do not indulge themselves, they try to live healthy lifestyles by eating to live rather than living to eat and living moral lives. However they are expected to cover the cost of those who refuse to take responsibility for their own lifestyle choices. The failure to exercise any self-control is a leading cause of the health care problem in our country. The failure of the individual to take responsibility for their own actions has allowed the liberal elitist to use the political system and the media to hijack our republic. The elitist want to change our republic into a socialist nation with power maintained by those who control the government.

The only hope for our nation now lies with the Church. A spiritual awaking to Godly living from the pulpit to the pews could still influence our society to reconsider the cost of Godless living but time grows short. Those who claim to be followers of Christ need to repent so that God will hear our prayers and save this nation and her people.
Some choose to put their trust in man/government but I choose to put mine in God. Who do you trust?

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Want to be Blessed?

Blessed are the merciful because they will be given mercy.
Blessed are the mild mannered, they will inherit the earth.
Blessed are those who mourn because they will be comforted.
Blessed are those who are humble in spirit, for they will know the kingdom of Heaven.
Blessed are those who are hungry and thirsty for righteousness for they will receive full satisfaction of life.
Blessed are the clean of heart because they will see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers because they will be known as children of God
Blessed are those who are hated and falsely accused because of their love and service to God. They will receive a great reward in Heaven.
Blessed are those who are persecuted because they live a righteous lifestyle for of such is the kingdom of Heaven.
Blessed are those who trust in God.
Blessed are those who help the helpless for they will be delivered in their time of trouble.
Blessed are those who give rather than those who seek to receive.
Blessed are those who read and follow the word of God.

How many people in your life not only are blessed but are a blessing to others.
Are you Blessed and therefore a blessing to those around you?
Being Blessed is a choice, choose to know God. Allow God to change you from the inside out through His son Jesus the Christ and you will live a life that is Blessed and pleasing to God.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Closer look

When we take a close look at ourselves, examine what we are about, and what is truly important to us we may be surprised at the answer.
First look at how we spend our time, how much time is spend watching tv, movies, playing video games or on the computer, what about reading books, magazines, taking naps, exercising, hobbies, sports, parties, the mall or just shopping, playing golf, etc. Do you spend time in prayer, studying the Bible, attending/involvement in church or related activities, helping others just because they need it, volunteering just to express love/concern for people. Not volunteering for any reason other than your spirit directs you to in order to build personal relationships with others so they know they are important.
What about your finances, when you review where your money was spent, how much for basic life necessities, then what about cable/sat tv, cell phone, newspaper, DVDs/Blu-Rays, Internet svc, entertainment, vacation getaways, fancy restaurants, new car/SUV payment, over extended house payment, boat, credit card interest, clothing to be in style, etc and saving/investments for whatever. Compare that to how much do you give to church, non-profit ministries/organizations that help others, donate to college scholarships programs,(not to name a building) or just help someone with a need.
How much mirror time, picking clothes, shoes, fixing hair, and hopefully only for ladies doing nails, coordinating of outfit with handbag, jewelry/ear rings and lip stick. (ie it's all about me)
Ever notice when someone says I just don't have time, what they usually mean is what is being talked about just isn't that important to them. (We make time for the things that do really matter to us.)
Now review to see what is really important to you and hopefully the answer does not reflect that you are first and follow your own path. Life is short and eternity is forever. There but two paths, our pathway and the pathway God would have us follow. If you are on the wrong path it is not to late to turn and seek the pathway God has for you. However time to change is growing short.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Got Power?

Coming home this week to a house with no power(due to high winds) gets you to thinking of how easy it is to take something for granted. House was without lights, cooler, no computer, no TV, power water dispenser not working, etc. Of course the good news was it was not your typical winter day and there was sill some sunlight left to at least keep house from being totally dark. (Also thanks to the windows.) It is easy each day when we get home and every thing is as it should be to really remember to be thankful for electrical power.
In life we have to be careful not to take those around us for granted but to be truly thankful for them.(Yes that includes the in-laws also if you have some.) Many times it takes sickness, injury, death, etc to make us stop and remember to thank God for our loved ones. Also along those lines too many take the love, patience and grace of God for granted. God does love us and allowed His son Jesus to die to pay our sin debt so we would not have to. But if we deny Jesus and his payment in how we live our lives, he will be forced to deny us when we stand before God at the final judgment. Without God in our life we have no power and it will be evidenced by how we live just as my home reflected the evidence of no power. Does your life reflect that you are plugged into God and receiving power to live an overcoming life.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Pretenders among us

Driving home from work I heard spot talk promo ad by a morning national radio show host. It was one I do not listen to due to his crude, rude, debase behavior, ie I chose to exercise my right to listen to another station during his time slot.
What stood out was his promo talking about all the hateful email received because on his bashing Christians. He noted that the worst mail he received was from Christians. I doubt seriously if he knows any real Christians. Therefore could he even tell the differences between "christian" pretenders and the real thing. Some food for thought on the characteristic of the true Christian.
Many people do want to put God in an emergency box for use as needed and yet believe all is well since they have the "right" religion. What is forgotten is that Christianity is more than religion it is a relationship with God Himself through His Son. Christian actually means to be like Christ who loved us and died to pay our sin debt. The Point being a pretender is an affront to God and the Bible states that God will remove them in time as vomit is removed when one is sick. It is not sickening to God to deal with those who do not claim to know Him. But it is when those who have read and heard the truth of His love and grace, think they can in effect mock God with their lifestyles and conduct toward others. Claiming to love Him, they become barriers to others finding His forgiveness and love. I used term "christian pretender" rather then common use of the single word christian. When one claims to be a christian but is not Christ like they are in effect nothing more than an actor/actress. You see an actor/actress after all is simply pretending to be someone they are not but that does not make them who they are pretending to be. Only God creates the real Christian by remaking them in the image of His son Jesus the Christ. Faith hope and love always mark the life of the real Christian. Heaven is not for pretenders, even the best ones will not enter.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Troubled times

President Obama is always willing to lecture other countries on how they should conduct their affairs. Like now with Egypt telling Mubarak to do the right thing, ie step aside for the Muslim Brotherhood so 80 million can become controlled by about 5 million nut jobs. Obama would have you believe that demonstrators should be heeded when violent actions or rioting and looting is involved. Iran has its primary leader expressing the same sentiment noting the uprising is the appropriate response. Excellent company for President Obama to be in. When the people of Iran were demonstrating peacefully in the streets against their harsh government Obama had no words of support for them. He had no words of wisdom for Iranian leaders to do the right thing. What was his reaction to large number of tea party people organizing peaceful meetings in opposition to his great betrayal of his campaign promises? He called them every name in the book and refused to do the right thing. It must be that the peaceful demonstrators in USA and Iran were not heeded since they were not rioting and looting. Government purpose should always be to look out for the best interest of the people not the government leaders.
Correct position would too have been to point out problems in Egypt before the Muslim Brotherhood could take the streets. In Iran he should have spoken out on behalf of the oppressed Iranian people. In USA he should practice what he preaches by listening to and being the President of all the people not just the far left.
Troubled times are stirring around the world. Ongoing volcanic eruptions, major national flooding, severe winter weather with record cold and snow fall(global warming), combined with the violent unrest generated by radical Muslim groups the window for change is beginning to close.
It is not to late yet but the hour grows late, when will we learn. To find Hope for a better future check out the Bible.