Sunday, February 27, 2011


Health care with its skyrocketing cost and an irresponsible society is bankrupting our nation. Consider some the problems. Forget the need for tort reform or insurance and pharmaceutical company issues. Instead start with one of the most obese societies in the world and the foundation for high medical care cost is solid. With a high percentage of smokers, consumers of alcohol and other drugs, legal or otherwise. Mental health care has become a staple in most insurance plans. Sexually transmitted diseases of all types. How about the most expensive cost over the last 30 years in HIV/AIDS, brought to us primarily through the "gay" lifestyle. By the way remember that little lie that "what adults do in the privacy of their own home does not affect anyone else" so no harm no foul. Close to a trillion dollars later the public still believes that media supported lie.(Now the most devastating life style in history is being promoted as a normal healthy way to live.)
We live in a society that wants to pop a pill for every health issue they encounter. Some do not indulge themselves, they try to live healthy lifestyles by eating to live rather than living to eat and living moral lives. However they are expected to cover the cost of those who refuse to take responsibility for their own lifestyle choices. The failure to exercise any self-control is a leading cause of the health care problem in our country. The failure of the individual to take responsibility for their own actions has allowed the liberal elitist to use the political system and the media to hijack our republic. The elitist want to change our republic into a socialist nation with power maintained by those who control the government.

The only hope for our nation now lies with the Church. A spiritual awaking to Godly living from the pulpit to the pews could still influence our society to reconsider the cost of Godless living but time grows short. Those who claim to be followers of Christ need to repent so that God will hear our prayers and save this nation and her people.
Some choose to put their trust in man/government but I choose to put mine in God. Who do you trust?


  1. "Costs"


    Do you know how to pluralize anything?

    You have nothing insightful or intelligent to say, and this blog is a lot of rambling, religious, very poorly written, small-minded bullshit.

    Stay off of other people's blogs unless you have a kind word to share. Idiot.

  2. Thanks for taking time to review, there are indeed some things that get missed, however the words cost and elitist were used deliberately. Also thanks for sharing your open-minded kind words. Do you ever wonder why some people seem to get offended when someone cares about others?

  3. In reviewing medical records of people who have filed a worker's comp claim, the majority of the IME narrative reports begin with, "so and so is a 24/32/56 year old male/female, who is OBESE . . .". Makes you wonder how much their own obesity contributed to the injury. Anyway, good message.
