Friday, February 4, 2011

Troubled times

President Obama is always willing to lecture other countries on how they should conduct their affairs. Like now with Egypt telling Mubarak to do the right thing, ie step aside for the Muslim Brotherhood so 80 million can become controlled by about 5 million nut jobs. Obama would have you believe that demonstrators should be heeded when violent actions or rioting and looting is involved. Iran has its primary leader expressing the same sentiment noting the uprising is the appropriate response. Excellent company for President Obama to be in. When the people of Iran were demonstrating peacefully in the streets against their harsh government Obama had no words of support for them. He had no words of wisdom for Iranian leaders to do the right thing. What was his reaction to large number of tea party people organizing peaceful meetings in opposition to his great betrayal of his campaign promises? He called them every name in the book and refused to do the right thing. It must be that the peaceful demonstrators in USA and Iran were not heeded since they were not rioting and looting. Government purpose should always be to look out for the best interest of the people not the government leaders.
Correct position would too have been to point out problems in Egypt before the Muslim Brotherhood could take the streets. In Iran he should have spoken out on behalf of the oppressed Iranian people. In USA he should practice what he preaches by listening to and being the President of all the people not just the far left.
Troubled times are stirring around the world. Ongoing volcanic eruptions, major national flooding, severe winter weather with record cold and snow fall(global warming), combined with the violent unrest generated by radical Muslim groups the window for change is beginning to close.
It is not to late yet but the hour grows late, when will we learn. To find Hope for a better future check out the Bible.

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