Thursday, February 17, 2011

Got Power?

Coming home this week to a house with no power(due to high winds) gets you to thinking of how easy it is to take something for granted. House was without lights, cooler, no computer, no TV, power water dispenser not working, etc. Of course the good news was it was not your typical winter day and there was sill some sunlight left to at least keep house from being totally dark. (Also thanks to the windows.) It is easy each day when we get home and every thing is as it should be to really remember to be thankful for electrical power.
In life we have to be careful not to take those around us for granted but to be truly thankful for them.(Yes that includes the in-laws also if you have some.) Many times it takes sickness, injury, death, etc to make us stop and remember to thank God for our loved ones. Also along those lines too many take the love, patience and grace of God for granted. God does love us and allowed His son Jesus to die to pay our sin debt so we would not have to. But if we deny Jesus and his payment in how we live our lives, he will be forced to deny us when we stand before God at the final judgment. Without God in our life we have no power and it will be evidenced by how we live just as my home reflected the evidence of no power. Does your life reflect that you are plugged into God and receiving power to live an overcoming life.

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