Friday, February 11, 2011

Pretenders among us

Driving home from work I heard spot talk promo ad by a morning national radio show host. It was one I do not listen to due to his crude, rude, debase behavior, ie I chose to exercise my right to listen to another station during his time slot.
What stood out was his promo talking about all the hateful email received because on his bashing Christians. He noted that the worst mail he received was from Christians. I doubt seriously if he knows any real Christians. Therefore could he even tell the differences between "christian" pretenders and the real thing. Some food for thought on the characteristic of the true Christian.
Many people do want to put God in an emergency box for use as needed and yet believe all is well since they have the "right" religion. What is forgotten is that Christianity is more than religion it is a relationship with God Himself through His Son. Christian actually means to be like Christ who loved us and died to pay our sin debt. The Point being a pretender is an affront to God and the Bible states that God will remove them in time as vomit is removed when one is sick. It is not sickening to God to deal with those who do not claim to know Him. But it is when those who have read and heard the truth of His love and grace, think they can in effect mock God with their lifestyles and conduct toward others. Claiming to love Him, they become barriers to others finding His forgiveness and love. I used term "christian pretender" rather then common use of the single word christian. When one claims to be a christian but is not Christ like they are in effect nothing more than an actor/actress. You see an actor/actress after all is simply pretending to be someone they are not but that does not make them who they are pretending to be. Only God creates the real Christian by remaking them in the image of His son Jesus the Christ. Faith hope and love always mark the life of the real Christian. Heaven is not for pretenders, even the best ones will not enter.


  1. Though I like to think of myself a good Christian, I realize that I won't be by trying to be a good person or merely by going to Church. Only Christ can make a Christian. For John says in 1:12,13 But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name, who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God. So, how would we know a real Christian? Please don't think me a debater or argumentative. Since my sister passed way too early last year, I am trying more so to understand the teachings of Christ and find what you have to say interesting (though I'm pretty simple so some of it goes over my head).

  2. Trish, today we are living at a period of dusk where many want to be a part of the dark but get just enough light to escape Hell. This post was in response to how many people are referred to as being "christian" when there is no evidence that they have been born of God through believe in Jesus the Christ. It is a good thing to apply the word of God to all things. That is a way to grow stronger in our faith. If you can read the book Crazy Love by Francis Chan. It challenges all who are christian to grow in Faith and understanding of what God has done for us through the death, burial and resurrection of His Son. Thanks for taking time to comment. May each day of your journey through life be brighter than the day before.

  3. Thank you. That makes sense to me. I will read the book and thank you for the recommendation. Have a lovely day!!
