Tuesday, June 28, 2011

What about you

State of New York confirmed that it has a legislature and Governor that put personal beliefs and supposed financial enrichment ahead of the wishes of the people. Other states have had a few activist Judges who are blinded to truth issue new law edicts but now... Commonsense is in short supply and wisdom is but a memory. With the passage of a law redefining what is to be accepted as a marriage they have quietly placed the final nail in the coffin of sanity and reason for New York state. With acceptance of the vile the road becomes littered with the rotten fruit of that which has been sown. The pathway that started with acceptance of that which God condemned and continued with the allowance of civil unions has now concluded in redefining marriage to be between any two people. Next step will be that marriage can also be between any person and an animal. Why not if your standards are set by man then they will continue to spiral downward to utter depravity.

It is written that God will bring judgement on all sinful, evil men who reject the truth. The truth is known through God given reason and commonsense but they choose to ignore it and push all thoughts of God from their minds. Even though the evidence is so overwhelming that they have to teach the children that there is no real God in order to overcome that which is clearly seen. Still they choose to live a lie rather than accept the truth and acknowledge God. So they will have no excuse when they stand before God on Judgement Day. Yes they know about God but will not admit it or worship Him let alone take time to thank Him for blessings. Instead they think of silly ideas about God and what is required to please Him. The result is their foolish minds have become dark and confused. Claiming to be wise without God they have become utter fools instead. Rather than worshiping the living God they choose to worship their ideas and pleasure. So God has allowed them to go into every sort of sexual sin even to the vile abuse of their bodies. Instead of believing the truth of God and obeying Him they choose to believe lies. Therefore God has given them up to do all sort of evil things with women burning in their lust one for another and men leaving the natural sex relationship with women, choose to burn in lust for other men committing their shameful homosexual acts one with another. So they pay the price within their own body and souls with the penalty for the fulfillment of their evil desires. Being aware of God's death penalty for such wickedness they go ahead and commit their vile deeds and encourage others to do so as well. Society is also paying a high price in health cost both physical, mental and emotional and will continue to do so until those who walk in light stand up to those who stumble in the darkness.

There is still hope but the hour grows late. God loves us and Jesus died to pay for our sin debt but we must choose to acknowledge our sin and repent putting our trust in God as Lord of our lives. Seek the light and you will find it. Deny truth to your own peril.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Characteristics of lifes destination

What do the following have in common.
Jealousy, strife, envying, drunkenness, revelry, murder, hatred, adultery, drug use, worship of things, false teaching, fornication, homosexual impurity, coarse jesting, wrath, rebellious, and liars, all of these are manifestations of an unchanged heart and God says those who do these things will not inherit His Kingdom. God provides this list so no one can say they were fooled by things like being taught He did not exist and they evolved from something that came from nothing. However those who repent and accept the forgiveness of God offered through the payment for sin provided by Jesus the Christ will be changed and able to enter Heaven. The evidence of those who have been changed are manifest by lives of love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and self-control. These things usually result in the followers of Christ being called intolerant, bigots and the like, but God calls them His children. How we choose to live our lives is up to us but God wants us to make an informed decision. Study of the Bible allows for that informed choice but you have to also choose to get informed. Remember life is short and eternity is forever.
Yes, the above may be controversial but not sharing facts will not change the facts and failure to share would be a characteristic of the first list not of the second.

Sunday, June 19, 2011


This is a tribute to my Father on this Fathers day here in the USA. Thanks for always being there for me whether to play a game or just making time to spend with me no matter how tired your were. Thanks for the little things like taking me shopping and stopping for ice cream. Thanks for helping me with collage expenses and working on my car to get it running again. Thanks for driving 3 hours to pick up my friend and I when the car engine blew, even though it meant you would only have a couple of hours to sleep before going to work. Thanks for taking me to church each time the doors were open and living a life committed to God and our family even when not easy in tough financial times. Thanks for always being there for me and loving me with your actions not in empty words. Thanks for being faithful to mom and instructing us kids in how to not just earn a living but in how to live well by honoring God with our lives. Thanks for being a Godly example not only at church but at home and work. Words can not express how blessed I am because God provided you as my dad. Thanks for being such a GREAT DAD! All of us will always love you for who you are.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Who gets remembered?

Who gets remembered... Consider this that a year after a funeral service it is not those who where rich or into their career, investment portfolio, fancy cars, expensive home, prestige, me first attitude, pleasure seeking, yacht owning, country club setting, its all about me person that gets remembered.
The person who will be remembered not only in one year but thought of fondly a decade after their funeral is the person who took care of their families needs before their own, visited the sick, helped not only the poor but those who needed someone to take time to care about them as an individual and show them real love. The person who did not try to get ahead by putting others down and was always willing to help meet a need or just be there for someone during their hard times. The person who did not seek to be the center of attention but tried to make sure no one felt left out at a social gathering or in a work environment. The person who could be called on whenever there was a need and they would rearrange their schedule to help meet the need and do so happily, being a blessing without thought thereof. So if we all realize that it is the people who lived a life of service to others rather than themselves that are remembered, makes you wonder why so few choose to commit their life to serving others. The essence of service boils down to those who are willing to not only acknowledge God and His love for people but those who are willing to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. Those who have repented of their sin and received forgiveness through Jesus the Christ have been freed from being self-absorbed to become others directed. What is your choice, remember life is short and eternity is forever.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Good decisions required

Good financial health requires planed action, right choices, debt avoidance, good work ethic, self-control, and commitment. These requirements are manifest through honest assessment of needs vs wants, prioritizing of needs in order to plan necessary purchases to enhance opportunity for savings, research of products or services in order to make good choices, not giving in to temptation for impulse actions, not borrowing funds on depreciating items thereby reducing interest payment, putting in work required to generate income, stay committed to avoiding out of control living and thereby achieve financial health.
In like manner to have good spiritual health there are some requirements. You must first acknowledge that all that is did not happen by chance but was created by God. Next you must seek to know what God requires of you by study of the Bible which reveals His plan for mankind. By repenting of your sin and accepting the payment made by Jesus the Christ for that sin you will be changed from the inside out and be given understanding of truth with light see the right path for your life avoiding the traps and pitfalls of immoral bankrupt living. Through daily Bible study and conversation with God through prayer you will grow in wisdom and favor with God. Commitment to serving God allows His peace and love to flow in and through you so that you are not only blessed but are a blessing to others. God loves us and wants to grant eternal life to all, He provides in the Bible all the information needed to make correct decision. He even points out how few will chose the narrow path that leads to eternal life with Him and warns that many will stay on the broad pathway that leads to living death entering into the wide gate of eternal suffering. But God has given us a free will and therefore leaves the choice up to us as to where we want to spend eternity.
When you look around you see many paying the price for poor financial decisions and many others who have not learned from the easily seen mistakes of those around them. So it is with the spiritual the examples are limitless in the lives of those on the broad pathway who have chosen to remain thereon, apparently wanting to do it their way in spite of the love of God and His desire for them to have an overcoming life that ends in victory with Him through His son Jesus paying their sin debt.
May you obtain good financial health in this life, but let the primary focus be on securing good spiritual health. The choice is ours to make but choose well for this life is short and eternity is forever.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Never seem to learn

Time passes but people never seem to learn. From Presidents, Governors, Senators, Congressmen, Sports Stars, International power brokers, etc. too many to name with multiples to represent each group. With political power, fame, money, celebrity or position of authority too many times those who obtain such status start to feel they are special and entitled to live to please themselves and are so powerful that no one will ever discover their illegal conduct or immoral lifestyle. The end is always the same, their secret conduct is found out and broadcast around the world. Their families are embarrassed, friends and supporters wonder how it was discovered and are dismayed that their anointed one is now tarnished. Forgotten to often is that hypocrisy may be covered for a time but in time will be revealed and made known. That which is done in the secret place under the cover of darkness, will be found by the light and the secret revealed to all carried by the airwaves and printed page for all the world to know. People who think they are little gods have become like fools not realizing that there is a Holy God who is the final Judge. We are warned not to fear any man who can only kill the body but instead we should fear and reverence God who is able not only to kill the body but cast the soul into hell. When someone does not wish to retain God in their knowledge they start down the path of self-destruction which always ends in ruin. Their is hope for those who will repent and turn from their sin seeking the forgiveness of God through a personal relationship with His son Jesus the Christ. It is the same for all no matter their position or status in life, God is not a respecter of persons, but offers forgiveness and peace to all who accept.

Thursday, June 2, 2011


What value do you place on yourself or do you allow others to decide your value. If you value yourself higher than others you will have few real friends and be a real challenge to those who must come into contact with you. You will most likely be prideful and boastful, while rarely being truly content. On the other hand if you let others determine your self-worth you will ride an emotional roller coaster and never feel you are of value, unless you are pleasing others. You will be easily discouraged and subject to periods of feeling down or depressed. Schools now try to instill feelings of self-worth into students, even to the extreme of not wanting to keep score in games. Sometimes they even consider not grading students on test or exams, but then what purpose would they really serve. Where we get our self-worth from will determine how we handle our life experience, so it is important that we have correct self-worth. Our value should be based on fact we were created in image of God and that He loves us so much that His son Jesus the Christ died to pay the price for our sin. That being the case we then will realize that no one is more important than someone else, all are of equal value where it counts - with God.
Now accept your value and the forgiveness of sin that Jesus has paid for already and desire to grow in the grace and knowledge of God. With properly understood self-worth you will not only be a blessing to those around you but be blessed.