Saturday, January 30, 2010

America - The New Europe

Are we learning from history or doomed to repeat it. Looking at the history of Great Britain and Western Europe some things seem to be hard to understand. How can nations who once were powerful and proactive in their international dealings, ambitious to the point of wanting to influence or control other countries, are now bankrupt shells of their former selves. What happened?
They went from primarily monarchical forms of government to democratic forms of government and initially the lot of the people improved and they remained strong nations. They permitted more freedom of expression esp. in areas of religion and speech along with allowing citizens to have open commerce and trade with very few restrictions. They had limited government which restricted itself to mainly what people could not do more themselves ie. military, some monetary oversight, foreign affairs, customs, etc. With the rise of career politicians came increase in taxes as government was expanded and political power the goal. Free market principals gave way to ever increasing government control and higher taxes to pay for the increasing social programs and government departments to run them. The citizens growing more and more dependent on the government to provide for them rather than taking personal responsibility for themselves and dependent only on God to assist them and their families. Little by little laws were passed taking more and more of the peoples freedom, financial resources, and Independence until personal intuitive was muted. The final piece of the puzzle to insure there was no turning back was the institution of national health care. This locked the people in to total dependence on the government from birth to the grave. Taxation now secure and the progressives in firm control of not only government but also of the people themselves. Few noticed and even fewer cared. Today those once great nations are decaying from within suffering from spiritual apathy, moral relativism, high rates of unemployment, excessive taxation and thanks to the socialist programs,(other than for the connected social elites) only one step ahead of mutually shared poverty.
In spite of this America has increasingly elected leaders who are intent on following the European model of socialism. Our people have discovered that they can vote in those who will take from the "rich" and use the taxes (legally stolen money) to benefit them or their families. With each new social program, government funded project, comes not only increased tax burden, but staggering national debt. We have forgotten that debt is simply the mortgaging of the future for immediate gratification. The cost of each spent borrowed dollar is our future freedom, as with all debt there comes the enviable day it must be repaid. If we default as a nation there is no filing for bankruptcy court protection only the prospect of runaway inflation, anarchy or even the takeover by nation(s) holding our debt. We have traveled far down the road of no return, the progressives know they need but one more thing to insure no return and that is passage of National Health Care. Once that happens America will become as weak and ineffective as Europe, social medicine, high unemployment will lock our citizens into complete dependence on government from the cradle to the grave. Our freedoms will be controlled by the social elites who are so much smarter than the normal citizens who are just one step ahead of monkeys anyway to their way of thinking. The Bible instructs us to pray for those in authority and in this land we have no one to blame but ourselves, not only have we not prayed but we actually freely elected those who would enslave us to be our leaders. May God grant us sight and the good sense to repent and pray for God to move on the hearts of our people to elect leaders who care not about themselves but the good of our nation. Pray for those we have put in authority over us that they will seek wisdom from God and remember they will answer for their actions.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Your God is WHO!

Using the definition for god - one that is worshiped, idealized,or followed. When we take a close look at ourselves, examine what we are about, and what is truly important to us we may be surprised at the answer.
First look at how we spend our time, how much time is spend watching tv, movies, playing video games or on the computer, what about reading books, magazines, taking naps, exercising, hobbies, sports, parties, the mall or just shopping, playing golf, etc. Now compare that to how much time is spent praying, studying the Bible, attending/involvement in church or related activities, helping others just because they need it, volunteering just to express love/concern for people while doing so not for anything other than your spirit directs you to and just taking time to build personal relationships with others so they know they are important.
What about your finances, when you review where was your money spent, how much for basic life necessities, then what about cable/sat tv, cell phone, newspaper, DVDs, Internet svc, entertainment, vacation getaways, eating out, new car payment, keeping up with Jones house payment, boat, credit card interest, clothing to be in style, etc and saving/investments for whatever. Compare that to how much do you give to church, non-profit ministries/organizations that help others, donate to college scholarships programs,(not to name a building) or just help someone with a need.
How much mirror time, picking clothes, shoes, fixing hair, and hopefully only for the ladies doing nails, coordinating of outfit with handbag, jewelry/ear rings and lip stick. (ie it's all about me)
Ever notice when someone says I just don't have time, what they usually mean is that is being talked about just isn't that important to them. (We make time for the things that do really matter to us.)
Now review to see who you worship, idolize and follow, and hopefully the answer does not reflect that you are first and follow what seems right in your own eyes. The real God is not yours if He is not First.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Be Aware & Think

Through out the history of man there have always been those who believe that they are superior to those around them. Some by birth as in the caste system of India, some by religion such as those who follow Islam controlling most of the Middle East, others by their progressive ideas which can be seen throughout much of Europe and North America. They all have in common the desire to have power, influence and control over society, seeking to destroy those who will not bow down at their alter. They endeavor to control the education system teaching their doctrines as the only acceptable thought and as current truth. There are no absolutes except theirs and dissent is not welcome nor tolerated. They are quick to project their faults onto those who dare question or present evidence that exposes their error in any form. They name call, label or otherwise personally attack rather then defend their positions with logic, facts, or any type of common sense rationale. They seek to stifle debate. Destroy by any means available is always their motto.
Let me challenge you to watch what is occurring in our land, listen not only to what is said but how it is presented. Who is seen as the provider of the needs of people, government or a free people themselves under God. Is our Constitution seen as a firm document or a fluid one. Is open debate encouraged or discouraged. Is the evidence from the Bible given full consideration or dismissed. The fool has said there is no God and believes that everything that exist is by chance and came from nothing. Always remember the source providing information and on what it is based.
The richest nation in the world has the most suicides, most mental health workers, the most self-centered and ungrateful youth, etc. WHY?

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Tremor felt in Washington

With last nights win of US Senate by a republican in one of the most liberal if not the most liberal state in the country, Democratic members of congress felt the tremor in DC. Now if you think that everything will change you are in for a big disappointment as senate and house are still overwhelmingly controlled by the party of the President. Will there be some change, probably but more in the form of window dressing. Even if later this year the republicans sweep enough seats in the House to control 2/3 of the chamber there are not enough senate seats open for republicans to gain control of that chamber by 2/3 majority that would be needed to undo any of the spending or other costly bills of past year as the President would veto attempts to negate what has been pushed through during 1 party control.
However for the sake of discussion lets assume the republicans could get 2/3 majority in both chambers. Do you really believe there would be any long term change, many of the republicans who would be elected would be like the new Senator Brown a moderate to left leaning representative who does not offer solid support of the parties platform on pro-life, pro-family and the definition of marriage as between a man & woman. Without people of strong moral character who recognize that they are answerable to God for their actions we will continue down the path we are on until we have destroyed our nation. Our borders will continue to be violated, waste, fraud and corruption will continue to be part of not only government at all levels but of our society. When people choose to do what is right in their own eyes it is only a matter of time before country collapses into chaos. The only hope for change is a spiritual awaking in our land with real repentance from sin and the rebirth that God has promised to all who accept His Son Jesus as their personal Savior.
And we do well to note it will have to start in our Churches and then overflow into society at large, one person at a time.

Monday, January 18, 2010

M L King Jr

On this Holiday set aside to acknowledge a real America Hero. I would like to remember some the things that made him a true Hero. (These are the things that the liberals and progressives do not want you to know.) Dr. King's "I Had A Dream" is without a doubt the greatest speech given by an American, he was not running for public office, trying to gain personal power, money or fame. He was simply trying to follow what he believed God had called him to do in pointing out the injustice that existed in such a blessed nation. He knew that his belief in Jesus Christ as Savior had changed him and given him a genuine love for all people period. It was because of that love and commitment to God that he was willing to suffer wrong turning the other cheek rather than respond with violence to those oppressing their fellow man because of skin color. He taught the biblical principle that a person should be judged by the content of their character not the color of their skin. He knew that God looked on a person's heart not the outward appearance. God used him to convict American society of the injustice and opened the door to opportunity for all people who were willing to work for it.
The Rev. M L King Jr was a Christian Minister who cared enough about people to speak up against the politically correct elites of his day. Those same liberals & elitist are the ones who want to shut up the Ministers & followers of Christ today. They refer to Dr. King as a civil rights leader rather than as God's minister who was a faithful servant of his Lord.
Do not allow them to rewrite history and diminish Rev. King from his place as a servant who remained faithful to God until his martyrdom. And do not let them get away with trying to re-enslave our people with the poison of government entitlements. That was not the Dream.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Has Faith/Trust Died?

Take the time to observe the everyday happenings in our society and you may be surprised a little. People still do have faith/trust in various things such as their homes, cars, jobs, friends, media, Doctors, hospitals, medical technology, bank accounts, investments, etc. (When was the last time you saw someone actually test a chair before sitting in it.) In the USA probably the largest number of people put their faith and trust in the Government to take care of them from the cradle to the grave. (Notice I said cradle rather than birth since abortion is acceptable and no babies death is much of a concern until they make it home.) I have yet to figure out why so many put their faith/trust in the government as the evidence is overwhelmingly against that assumption. Even now if you listen hard enough you can hear from Washington the sound of the chains being forged to enslave our people, not just with debt and the loss of real freedom to be a follower of Jesus Christ.

What is dieing in our nation is faith/trust in God. The same God who created not only this nation but everything that exist including the trillions of stars, planets, and life itself. The same people who do not accept/believe the Bible to be the word of God have no problem believing that the trillions of stars, plants and life just happened maybe even appearing from nowhere out of nothing. I personally do not have the kind of blind faith it takes to believe that all that is could exist and operate in harmony without a master builder/planner. I also do not believe that something as simple as a bike would come into existence on its own given enough time. So you know I do not have enough faith to accept that life just started on its own.
Since I have not lost my commonsense or reasoning ability, I have no problem looking at all the evidence available today and realizing that God had to have created everything. Therefore, I am accountable to Him. Oh! I think I just discovered the real problem, have you?

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


RINO = republican in name only. You know the type they claim to be a part of the republican party and support the party's core values while running for elected office but if elected they only give lip service to those values. When pushed to support the republican values of being pro-life, pro-family, pro-parental rights, pro-marriage,(understanding that marriage was established by God not man) and to support the governments primary function to protect the citizens from criminals and outside attacks, they jump ship. You know the latest example a certain US senator from the state of Pennsylvania. It is sad when someone is willing to deceive the people in order to get elected, but if we are paying attention there is usually enough evidence to reveal the individuals true positions. When exercising your right to vote it should never be cast simply based on party membership or what a candidate claims to believe but on the totality of the evidence. Then when you really think about it the harm they do is limited in scope and duration.

CINO = Christian in name only. You know the type they claim to be a believer in Jesus, a Church member and therefore a Christian but forget that christian means to be like Christ. They rarely attempt to study the values of Christ Jesus and the standards set by God for His family as provided in His word the Bible. They live their lives in a manner that is comfortable for themselves and change the Word of God to fit their own preconceived ideas, teaching others to do the same by their lifestyle. They justify or excuse sin, changing the word of God so it will not affect their lives. Using the descriptions given in the Bible of what a true believer in Jesus Christ is like there is not enough evidence to convict them of actually being Christian. When you really think about it the harm done is enormous in scope and has no end. Maybe that is why the Bible uses term of wolfs in sheep's clothing to describe the pretenders, as well as giving warning that whatever a person plants they will harvest. The ramifications from being a CINO is a very harsh reality.
Consider your choices in this life well for all will have to answer for those decisions come payday.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Truth Hurts

What do the following organizations that assist people all over the world have in common? (The fact they provide humanitarian aid and/or help without respect of anything other than need is not the main answer.)
Red Cross, Prison Fellowship(Angel Tree), World Help, World Vision, Child Fund Int, Samaritan's Purse, Rotary Int, YMCA, YWCA, Habitat for Humanity, The Salvation Army, Gideons Int, Missionaries of Charity, Hopegivers Int, Aglow Int, Living Dreams Physical Therapy, Compassion Int, Mercy Ships, Children's Hunger Fund, Covenant House, Medical Teams Int, Missionaries of the Poor, etc. (I am tired of typing.)

They were all started by Christians who believed that as followers of Jesus Christ they should show the Love of God to all people by assisting where ever there was need.

Now let me list all of the organizations started by Atheists, Muslims, Hindus, and all other world religions to assist in the general welfare of all people groups. (To be on the list they must seek to meet the needs of people groups and offer help based solely need.)
Sorry I could not find any to list, the ACLU is well known but does not meet the definition. (Which is same reason I did not list ACLJ or Rutherford Institute in first list.) If you have enough time and can find any to put on the list let me know.

Think about what the world would be like if there had been no Christ to change the hearts of people to care about something other than themselves.
A scary thought, just think about a world without real love.
1-14-10 this is regarding the comment about the Pencil Project - stretching it a little since all they do is act as a clearing house to bring needs to the attention of others who might be willing to meet the need, but otherwise okay.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Take a look at true Democrat values

With the passing of Sen. Kennedy, Massachusetts voters will be voting 1-19-10 for someone to fill the vacant position. This election could be the most important statement by citizens of that state since the Boston Tea Party which occurred prior the creation of the US Senate. It appears that many voters of the state are waking up to the fact that who they vote for could affect every person in the country. The Democratic machine there is starting to show the true colors of their party. In case you have missed it the reason for their concern and planned action to circumvent the will of the people, is that it now appears that the Republican candidate might actually win the election. So they have jumped into high gear to make sure that if that happens they delay his taking office. The plan is to make sure the unelected appointed senator remains in the position long enough to help their fellow Dems in congress finish ramming the health care bill down the throat of the American people. I thought our country was past the point of no return. As I did not think Massachusetts had enough people of understanding living there to figure out how important it was to the country for them not to elect another Democrat. (Hopefully God will give this nation one more chance to turn around.)
Now it appears I may have been wrong and if in fact they do not elect the Democratic puppet I owe them an apology. The Democratic party has taken notice also and decided if they can not win within the rules then it is time to cheat. Now their true agenda will be revealed and few in the media, other than maybe Fox News and talk radio will even let the rest of the nation know what is happening. For the Democratic party, power is all that matters and they will keep it through any means necessary. Too many of our people have not been paying attention for so long they may get away with it and secure their power into the future. Stay alert and if they succeed you will be able to witness the theft of what is left of our republic.

Friday, January 8, 2010

"Free" Government Programs

Coming home from work,(yes thank God I have a job) today I was reminded of probably the biggest oxymoron ever. I heard a public service announcement of "free" government books for anyone by mail if you have trouble seeing regular size print. Of course a "free" player so you can listen to the talking book, they then continued to say you should not have to give up reading. The TV ads of course inform us continually that we need to apply for our government provided "free" motorized chair if we have mobility issues.
Let me list some more "free' things from the government. Food stamps, dairy products, fruit juices, fuel assistance to pay heating bills, special operator assistance for the hard of hearing, court appointed attorneys, interpreters for those who can not speak English but, want additional "free" government services. Did I mention "free" rent, health clinics, cell phones with service, unemployment payments, medical transport service, preschool through 12Th grade, busing to and from the school along with extra school events also provided. Did you get your "free" $50 voucher for a TV converter box, how about the "free" earned income cash payments or the government catalog to tell you about all of the "free" government money and/or services available you might not know about. Then of course the cash for clunkers, corporate bailout money, so bonuses could be given to top level employees, and the list goes on and on ... I have typed enough so you think of some more "free" stuff on your own.
Is it any wonder that our nation is being overwhelmed with trillions of dollars in debt and taxes on everything including some of the "free" stuff. The majority of our people have been so brainwashed that they believe anything the government does or gives out is actually free. You must wonder if they think it grows on some special government trees or is just printed up for daily use as needed. They are also part of the crowd who believe if the government is involved it must be better, no fraud, waste or abuse allowed.
Now if you still believe common sense is alive and well in this country, you may not be aware that understanding along with wisdom are also in short supply. Sorry to be the messenger of that bad news. That "free" government education does seem to be lacking something.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

The real problems driving Health care cost

The hot button topic has become Health care and need to change because of skyrocketing cost. So let us consider some the problems. I am not talking about the need for tort reform or insurance and pharmaceutical companies. Instead we need to start with one of the most obese societies in the world and the foundation is solid. We still have a high percentage of smokers, consumers of alcohol and other drugs. Sexually transmitted diseases of all types. We must not leave out the most expensive over the last 30 years in HIV/AIDS brought to us primarily through the "gay" lifestyle. By the way remember that little lie that what adults did in the privacy of their own home should not be a concern and was not anyone Else's business esp. the government. Close to a trillion dollars later the public still believes the media supported lie.
We live in a society that wants to pop a pill for every health issue they encounter. Those who do not indulge the fleshly desires but attempt to live healthy lifestyles by watching what they eat and living moral lives are expected to cover the cost of those who refuse to take responsibility for their actions. It is the failure to exercise any self-control that has caused the health care problem in our country. The failure of the individual to take responsibility for their own actions has allowed the liberal elitist to use the Democratic party to take over republic in an attempt to change it into a socialist nation with power and control maintained by these same elitist.
The only real hope for our nation now lies within the Church, but without a spiritual awaking and Godly living from the pulpit to the pews the churches influence on our society will continue to wane. We need to repent and turn to the Light so that God will hear our prayers and save this nation and her people.
Some chose to put their trust in man but I chose to put mine in God. How about you, who have you chosen.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

History in the Making

The President talks about making history with the passing of Health care bill. I agree that we are seeing history being made with everyone alive today being apart of the generation that witnessed the death of our republic. The final chapter started with the election of 2008 and the conclusion here in 2010. Our country will continue on but will be a shell of what it has been. Our forefathers dreams, blood and sacrifices for a free country where government was limited so the people could worship God and prosper is finally being given death blow. The USA will finally become just another weak socially directed nation.
We should not be surprised as God has blessed this nation above all others and as thanks our people have outlawed prayer, the Bible, any type of Christian symbol in our schools or other public places. Not even Merry Christmas is appropriate anymore the preferred greeting is Happy Holidays. Every religion of man is welcome in our society but not the God who set up this nation having been our protection and provider from the start.
So I must admit that I am not really surprised just disappointed that I lived to see the death of the republic. 2010 headstone for our republic should read "2010 the year Hope died and change is harvested".

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Laws to protect guilty - how about the victims

A 2002 Florida law prohibits the execution of anybody with less than IQ of 70. So watch out for anyone who might be smart enough to lower their IQ score to below 70. Elected "representatives" at all levels never cease to surprise me and how we continue to find so many people lacking common sense is also amazing. My thought is that there must me a test given to all who seek elected office testing for common sense or wisdom and only those who fail are allowed to run for office. I often wonder if the same test is used when appointing judges.
If you are killed by someone who can score below 70 on IQ test rather than by someone who scores at least 70 it must mean you are not as dead in their way of thinking. What a country to give so much opportunity to those who would have trouble making an honest living by allowing them to leech off of regular citizens.
It appears that there are more protections for the guilty than for the innocent and the courts have become the safe haven for child molesters, sexual deviants, murders, etc. unless of course they are not a part of PC crowd. Then amazingly the law seems to work okay. Ever notice that innocent until proven guilty works best for those with money or position. How about comparing to the tax laws where the adage changes to guilty until proven innocent. What have we allowed this Country to become?

Monday, January 4, 2010

Freedom ?

Can you really believe we have freedom of choice and real responsibility for our own decisions. Think about driving down the road and not wearing your seat belt or a motorcycle without an approved helmet. Your thoughts must be on do I want to pay a fine for breaking the law. A law that is intended to spare me from extra injuries in a crash if I make the choice to not wear a seat belt or helmet. We have laws to restrict how you can develop your own property whether or not it interferes with your neighbors property. If the government decides it needs your land it will condemn it and take it by force paying you whatever it feels it is worth. Social security tax is used to force you to save for retirement.
Now Congress is passing a health care law that requires everyone to get health insurance whether you want it or not, of course they will deny that since you can pay the government a set fine each year instead. Speech is becoming a lost freedom unless you hold PC views, the Bible or books based on its teachings are about the only books that are okay to ban from the Public Library or government schools.
But not to worry it is still okay to choose to kill a baby especially if you pay someone to do it for you. However a Doctor or Hospital that chooses not to be involved in the murder of babies face loss of funding and legal action.
For our senior citizens it will become as dangerous for them as for the babies with government controlled health care decisions being based on cost analysis in order to hold down cost. But they will find a way to pay for the medical cost of killing the babies maybe even with the money saved from denial of real medical treatment to seniors and those with permanent disabilities.
Watch for more use of the tax laws and enforcement using the IRS to limit true freedom of choice in the coming year.
Voting is not enough we must start putting people in office whose primary concerns are the freedom of our people, rather than those who would enslave us to their paternal worldview. How much Freedom do you really have when you disagree with the PC crowd who are attempting to turn us into a third world country. The Hour is late but hopefully not to late.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Are Winners really Winners

Sports have long been held up as good way to keep kids out of trouble and teach values that will help through out life. Somewhere along the way something got flipped and no one paid much notice or just did not care. Think about the following everyday happenings in sports.
Watch a basketball game and you will notice that the last 2 minutes of the game is forever as the losing team usually resorts to breaking the rules(cheating)by fouling opposing team in attempt to "win" the game. The game announcers wonder why the coach is waiting so long to try to extend the game by telling players to start committing fouls(break rules) in attempt to pull off a win. Sadly this happens in basketball at all levels from children rec leagues to pro basketball. In football coaches will have players fake being hurt if out of timeouts in order to stop the clock or call timeouts in attempt to affect opposing kicker (rather than as intended to confer with their team or correct a problem) hoping to increase chance of "winning" the game. Listen to some announcer comments of it's not a penalty if referee doesn't throw a flag. Football coaches who punish injured players because they will not risk their long term health to practice or play hurt so the coach can get another win and the increased prestige & money/opportunities that come with winning.
Ask yourself do you want to play a game with someone who breaks the rules(cheats) to "win" the game and do you really want to associate with that type of person.
Remember the old saying of - cheaters never win and winners never cheat -. We now have a generation that believes - get ahead at any cost and winning is all that matters- as you only go around in this life once so get all you can anyway you can since no one is more important than yourself.
With institution in our society of the win at any cost mentality why do we wonder at corrupt elected officials, corporate greed, tax cheats, embezzlement, employee thief, shoplifting, insurance fraud, crooked repair shops, fraud & abuse of government service programs, etc. A persons word is no longer their bond but all that matters is whether it is in the contract and can a "good" Lawyer can get them out of the contract agreement.
Now you have an idea of why belief in evolution is so important in our society, it is a very disturbing thought that we were created by God. Since if we were will we have to answer to Him at a Holy Judgement with everything we have every done or thought as evidence and the only lawyer allowed being Jesus Christ His son.
A real scary thought for any who have not studied the Bible to determine how to have a personal relationship with God through His son Jesus.
The stakes can get no higher than to reject the bible as God's word and be wrong.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Continuing Myths into 2010

Global Warming tops the list entering 2010 as the media and Al Gore have made an effective team in presenting this myth as a fact. Little issues like the revealed UN e-mails covering up evidence that would disprove man made warming of planet are dismissed and when the matter of the 1970's warning of coming global ice age which was projected by the same "science" models are brought up the subject is left to die. Remember the media supported that "scientific" position also. Watch as Climate change becomes the PC word for 2010 to get around the inconvenient truth that no matter what people do they can not cause a lasting effect on planets temperature. Freon has bitten the dust due to the false science and it will be interesting to see what has to die next so those like Al Gore can continue to enrich themselves and maintain their public platforms. The same group that would laugh at the bible teaching of demons have set up their own demon in the form of global warming/climate change.
Another ongoing myth is the one teaching evolution which has so permeated our society that it is presented as "scientific" fact when in fact the evidence is overwhelming to the contrary. The real problem here is that no one has come up with a replacement for the origins of man, except for Divine Creation which is unacceptable due to the ramifications of that truth.
Some other Myths supported by our government and "leaders" are:
Government controlled health care will save money
Increasing tax burden on citizens will lower unemployment rate & help economy.
Spending more money is best way to lower national debt.
I will stop here but be on the look out there are many more out there and will be detected by looking for the hidden agendas of those backing the thought change.

Friday, January 1, 2010

2010 A New Year

1-1-10 begins the 1st day of the new year, it will be a day for resolutions - some good & some not. But for most it will be just another day with 2010 added to the date to replace 2009. Many will continue to run to & fro without a plan, direction, goal or purpose and come 12-31-10 will wonder how year went by so fast. For many who made their 2010 new years resolution it will be but a faded memory. So today while there is time let me suggest several things that can make a real difference in your life and impact those around you.
Commit to getting up 30 minutes earlier and reading at least 2 chapters a day in the bible starting in Matthew. Spend remainder of time in prayer asking God for wisdom to understand and apply the truth revealed throughout the day, ask God to work in lives of those you know so that He may be able to bless them. Make it your goal each day to be used by God to impact at least one person for His glory. Each day let your purpose be to please God and bring honor to Him through Christ Jesus.
Compare everything to the Word of God and remember that if it is what we think rather than what God says it is but a shadow. Avoid taking personal offense when scripture is the bases for a position that is contrary to what you think or have heard. Any thought or position we have that is not based on the Bible is about as useful as a screen door on a submarine.
Remember it is not about you or me but about God who loved us so much He sent His son to die for our sins. His purpose for our life is for us to obey Him and be a channel of True Blessing to those we come into contact with each day. Everyone will not accept you or your biblical positions but you were not saved to be popular but to be light & salt to those around you. Darkness is an absence of Light and salt when applied is not always welcome. Don't look for the easy path but the strait one lit by God Himself and 2010 will be your most Blessed year yet.
May God grant you wisdom and boldness as you seek His purpose in 2010.